About us
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In Baltransa we are backed by more than 60 years of work in our sector and, thanks to our fleet of 150 vehicles, we have become national and international leaders. During these six decades of work, we have stood out for making sure that our clients are given a transport of goods service with all the necessary guarantees of quality and security.

From our headquarters we have the control of all the logistics. We count on our own workshop services, parking, suppliance as well as an outdoor tank wash which allows us to be self-sufficient and thus being able to offer a better service to our customers.

The drive for growth has always been present in our company which has led us to create a delegation in Barcelona, equipped with an indoor tank wash and a service station open to the public. Moreover, we also built a commercial department in Lisbon, and we have recently opened new facilities in Madrid with an indoor tank wash and parking open to the public.

Our large fleet of vehicles in Spain and Portugal allows us to fulfil a 24/48 hour-notice loading commitment with our customers and being able to meet all delivery deadlines. Our international market is focused on France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Germany, and Great Britain, although we also work with other destinations.


We are certain that by remaining faithful to our corporate principles we will continue to expand and build a successful future, hand in hand with our customers and collaborators.


Baltransa has expanded its services in the north of Spain by working side by side with Cima, its chemical transport subsidiary. Cima is a company whose priority is to provide the best service with the highest safety and strict respect for the environment.


Cima meets the highest standards of safety and regulatory compliance. They have a great team with proven experience in the sector and in permanent training to provide the best service.


Their fleet allows them to offer the merchandise service with safety guarantees, with a modern and sustainable fleet of vehicles and tanks. The company constantly renews its fleet to always count on the latest safety and efficiency elements.